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How to improve your sense of taste after quitting smoking?

 After quitting smoking, it may take some time for your sense of taste to fully recover. However, there are several things you can do to help improve your sense of taste: Stay hydrated: Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to keep your mouth and taste buds hydrated. Dry mouth can affect your ability to taste, so staying hydrated can help improve taste sensations. Eat a balanced diet: Incorporate a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. These foods contain different flavors and textures that can help stimulate your taste buds and enhance your sense of taste. Avoid excessive use of salt and sugar: Excessive consumption of salt and sugar can dull your taste buds over time. Gradually reduce your intake of processed foods and try to use herbs, spices, and natural sweeteners to enhance the flavors of your meals. Experiment with different flavors: Be adventurous in trying new foods, spices, and seasonings. Explore di...

How To Choose Your Dentist

Searching for a dentist is not an easy job. When searching for a dentist do the following to find a suitable dentist to meet your needs

  • Ask your family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers for their recommendations.
  • Ask your family doctor or local pharmacist.
  • Select your dentist according to your complaint 
I suggest for you visiting more than one dentist before selecting one you feel you can build a good long-term relationship with.You and your dentist will be long-term oral health care partners; therefore, you should find someone you can be comfortable with.You should also trust him .

What Should You Look for When Choosing a Dentist?
Good dentists are,

  • Taking a personal interest in patients and their health.
  • Give special care to the cleaning and sterilization. 
  • Do you observe the dentist and staff wearing gloves and other protective gear during actual patient treatment? They should use also disposable cups,(cup for each patient). 
  • Is the dental staff helpful and willing to answer your questions
  • They are prevention-oriented but not faddists. 
  •  They use x-ray films or even a full-mouth study .
  • Good information about the patient should be taken like age ,job, address  
  • Good history should be taken medical and dental .Family history should be taken also.
  • A thorough dental examination includes inspection of the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, inside of the cheek, palate, and the skin of the face and neck, plus feeling the neck for abnormal lymph nodes and enlargement of the thyroid gland , and chart their findings in detail.
  • High-quality dental work usually lasts a very long time.
  • The price of dental work is not the best way to judge quality.
  • pay attention to the time the dentist takes to do the work. High-quality dentistry is taking more time

Judging a dentist's skills after you have received treatment:
You should check the following:
  • How does your bite feel?
  • Is any of the dental work irritating your gum?
  • Does the treated tooth look like a normal tooth?
  • Does dental floss or your tongue catch on the tooth?
  • Did the dentist take time to polish your fillings?
  • Did the dentist use a water spray to cool your teeth while drilling?


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