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How to improve your sense of taste after quitting smoking?

 After quitting smoking, it may take some time for your sense of taste to fully recover. However, there are several things you can do to help improve your sense of taste: Stay hydrated: Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to keep your mouth and taste buds hydrated. Dry mouth can affect your ability to taste, so staying hydrated can help improve taste sensations. Eat a balanced diet: Incorporate a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. These foods contain different flavors and textures that can help stimulate your taste buds and enhance your sense of taste. Avoid excessive use of salt and sugar: Excessive consumption of salt and sugar can dull your taste buds over time. Gradually reduce your intake of processed foods and try to use herbs, spices, and natural sweeteners to enhance the flavors of your meals. Experiment with different flavors: Be adventurous in trying new foods, spices, and seasonings. Explore di...

Who can the cardiovascular diseases affect your mouth, and the oral cavity, and vice versa?

Some systemic diseases may affect your oral health. They also may require changes in your dental treatment and how you receive dental care.
The dental disease also will affect your overall health. 

Some cardiovascular diseases may affect your oral health. They also may require changes in your dental treatment and how you receive dental care. Recent research has linked periodontal disease with the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke.

The dentist should have an up-to-date list of all the medicines you take. The list should be neatly written or typed. It should include prescription drugs, and over-the-counter medicines such as antacids. It also should include vitamins, herbal pills and other nutritional supplements.

Your list should provide the name of each drug, the dosage, how often you take it and when your physician prescribed it. Put the date that you made the list at the top of the page. This will let the dentist know that it is a current list.

Periodontal Disease and Cardiovascular Conditions:Periodontal disease can affect your overall health. Over time, it may increase the risk for heart disease and stroke. Several studies have shown that people with periodontal disease may be more likely to have coronary artery disease than people with healthy mouths.

There are two possible explanations for this association. 
  • One is that the bacteria that cause periodontal disease can release toxins into or travel through the bloodstream and help to form fatty plaques in the arteries. These plaque deposits can lead to serious problems, such as blood clots, which can block blood flow.
  • The other explanation is that these bacteria cause the liver to make high levels of certain proteins, which inflame the blood vessels. Inflammation eventually could lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Symptoms of periodontal disease include:


  • Persistent bad breath. 
  • Red, swollen or tender gums. 
  • Gums that bleed when you brush your teeth.
  • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth.
  • Loose teeth.
  • A change in the way your teeth come together when you bite down.
If you have symptoms of periodontal disease, see your dentist for treatment.

For the treatment of Cardiac Patients in the Dental Clinic.

I hope it is useful.


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