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How to improve your sense of taste after quitting smoking?

 After quitting smoking, it may take some time for your sense of taste to fully recover. However, there are several things you can do to help improve your sense of taste: Stay hydrated: Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to keep your mouth and taste buds hydrated. Dry mouth can affect your ability to taste, so staying hydrated can help improve taste sensations. Eat a balanced diet: Incorporate a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. These foods contain different flavors and textures that can help stimulate your taste buds and enhance your sense of taste. Avoid excessive use of salt and sugar: Excessive consumption of salt and sugar can dull your taste buds over time. Gradually reduce your intake of processed foods and try to use herbs, spices, and natural sweeteners to enhance the flavors of your meals. Experiment with different flavors: Be adventurous in trying new foods, spices, and seasonings. Explore di...

Teeth Extraction Or Pulling Teeth

Tooth Extraction is :-
 is the permanent removal of a broken or decayed tooth from the socket in the jawbone. When too much damage prevents repair, the tooth must be removed.

Categories of extraction:
  • Routine general extraction : where the tooth is visible in the mouth and easily grasped by forceps. Such extractions are routinely performed by general dentists under local anaesthetic.
  • Surgical extraction : is required when a tooth has not yet broken through the gum( embedded inside the bone ) or is not easily removed. Surgical extractions are performed by specialist dentists with particular expertise in this area and may require a general anaesthetic.It is a specialized procedure usually performed by a suitably qualified general dentist, an oral surgeon or an oral and maxillo-facial surgeon.
Reasons for tooth extraction
The most common reason for extracting a tooth is tooth damage such as breakage or fracture.
Some other possible reasons for tooth extraction are as follows : - 
  • Severe tooth decay, caries or infection.
  • Severe gum disease which may affect the supporting tissues and bone structures of teeth.
  • Abscessed or infected tooth
  • Extra teeth which are blocking other teeth from coming in.
  • In preparation for orthodontic treatment (braces)
  • Insufficient space for wisdom teeth (impacted wisdom teeth).
  • Receiving radiation to the head and neck may require extraction of teeth in the field of radiation.
  • Receiving cancer drugs may develop infected teeth. These drugs weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of infection. Infected teeth may need to be extracted. 
How long will it take?
Time required for the procedure will vary with individual circumstances, including number of teeth to be extracted and reason for the extraction. It also will be affected by the quality of the bone and status of the tooth to be removed.The age,health, and help of the patient also will affect the time. Your specialist will advise you about the duration of the procedure.

How to prepare for it ?
  1. Brush your teeth and use mouthwash before the extraction .
  2. All the routine medications should be taken on time.[ your dentist should be aware of your case].
  3. Your dentist might give you antibiotic or sedative before it .
  4. Taking dental radiographs and carefully evaluation is the a mandatory first step in our practice for every dental procedure special the extraction of the wisdom tooth   . 
After Care of Dental Extraction and follow up.
take cared of the wound so that it would not be a source of infection or bleeding.

  1. After dental extraction, bite the cotton for approximately 1 to 2 hours. This is to provide pressure to open veins which could be a source of bleeding. If you are a bleeder, it could be more hours of cotton biting. Do not change too often the cotton as it may disturb the formation of a clot. Bleeding problem could be best managed if you tell your tendency to bleed before the tooth extraction for your physician to be prepared after.
  2. Try to sit down for several minutes in the doctor’s clinic. This may help you maintain your balance before you walk. Further, it may also help you recognize if you need anti coagulant tablets for bleeding.
  3. Avoid sucking your saliva hours after dental extraction. Sucking may remove blood clot in the vein. Blood clot is very important few hours after extraction to occlude blood in the damaged vein.
  4. Stop smoking and do not drink hot drinks 
  5. Gargle with cold water after several hours. The cold temperature of the water may help in constricting the veins. Constriction may reduce blood that circulates in the severed veins.
  6. Do not eat sea foods you think you have an allergy. Allergic reaction can easily be triggered because of the open wound. It makes the circulation of an allergen faster.
  7. Gargle with lukewarm water added with a pinch of salt for the following day. A little salt is a good oral health care to the damaged tissues.

  • Some persistent bleeding is normal. Expect your saliva to be tinged with blood for several hours. However, if you notice thick bleeding with dark red blood clots, you need to apply more pressure to the site. Most dental offices give you a pack of gauze in case this occurs. If you don't have gauze, use a paper towel. 
  • For pain, after a simple extraction, you should be able to take analgesics .
Dentist Manal Raafat


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